
Venice’s Hidden Gems – 10 Best Photo Spots in Venice, Italy

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Venice, the floating city that is known to be one of the most beautiful places in the world, with its narrow winding streets and intricate network of bridges, really is one of the most unique and picturesque places on Earth. You can spend hours getting lost in the quaint streets, and finding plenty of hidden gems away from the crowds.

In this blog post, we’re sharing some of the best photo spots and hidden gems that Venice has to offer. From iconic landmarks to lesser-known corners, these locations will provide you with endless opportunities to capture the beauty and charm of this enchanting city.

1. Liberia Acqua Alta

This charming bookshop is often referred to as ‘the most beautiful bookstore in the world’, and it’s certainly true! Translated as the “Bookstore of High Water,” this quirky shop has so many unique aspects that will leave you in awe as you wander through.

The creativity and attention to detail are evident in every corner of the shop. From books stacked in gondolas and shelves made from old boats; this spot is definitely one of the most Instagrammable places in Venice! 

Tucked away at the back of the store is a back door leading straight to the canal, where you can actually sit in a gondola and take photos! It doesn’t stop there, walk outside and you’ll find a staircase made from old unused books and a vintage book wall, providing picture perfect backdrops for all your travel photos.

2. Burano Island

40 minute boat ride from Venice will take you to the picturesque island of Burano, where you’ll find the famous colourful houses and quaint streets. Wandering through the narrow streets and along the tranquil canals, you’ll discover endless opportunities for unique photos.

In the morning, the colourful houses reflect in the water, creating a magical scene; and the bridges provide the perfect vantage points for capturing the colourful streets.

Make sure to explore beyond the main streets and venture into the lesser-known alleys, where you’ll find hidden nooks and crannies that offer unexpected photo gems. The locals’ attention to detail is evident in the flower-filled window boxes, charming doorways adorned with intricate decorations, and hanging laundry that adds a touch of authenticity to the scene.

Burano is the perfect place to spend a day wandering the streets, drinking coffee and eating gelato. A little tip: If you want to get Burano to yourself and avoid the crowds, arrive on the earliest boat at 6/7am, and the only people you’ll see are locals opening their shops! This is the perfect way to get your photos without people in them.

3. San Giogio Maggiore Church

San Giorgio Maggiore Church and its viewpoint offer a breathtaking perspective of Venice and its unique beauty. Situated on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore, the Church is just a two minute vaporetto ride from San Marco. The church itself is a beautiful piece of 16th century architecture, but the view’s at the top of the church’s bell tower are what drew us to this location. 

Once you reach the viewpoint, you’re treated to a panoramic view of Venice’s skyline. From here, you can spot all of the iconic landmarks, including St. Mark’s Square, Doge’s Palace, and the picturesque network of canals and bridges.

4. Accademia Bridge

Accademia Bridge, known as Ponte dell’Accademia in Italian, is not only a practical crossing point over the Grand Canal but also a hidden gem that offers incredible views of Venice’s skyline. The bridge, located in the Dorsoduro district, connects the lively neighbourhood of San Marco with the artistic hub of Accademia. What’s better about Accademia bridge is that it offers a much quieter and tranquil experience compared to the bustling crowds found at other famous bridges in venice.

You’ll be treated to dreamy views of the Santa Maria della Salute Church, the Grand Canal, and Gondolas floating along the water. In the opposite direction, you’ll also be able to appreciate the charming buildings that line the canal, each one showcasing unique architectural features. This is arguably one of the best views in Venice, especially at Sunset!

5. Palazzo Contarini Del Bovolo

Tucked away in the narrow streets of Venice, is Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo, a hidden architectural gem known for its unique spiral staircase, known as the “Bovolo” staircase. 

Not only is the building a beautiful piece of Renaissance architecture and venetian history, there’s also a photo-worthy view at the top, looking over the city’s rooftops and iconic landmarks. 

Photo by Heru VisioPhoto by Leonard Von Bibra

Undoubtedly, this spot stands as one of the most Instagram-worthy locations in Venice, offering a rooftop viewpoint that offers an opportunity to capture unique photos with the captivating city of Venice as your backdrop.

Just remeber to book your ticket in advance as they won’t let you in without a reservation!

6. Jewish Ghetto

Exploring the Jewish Ghetto offers a glimpse into the history and traditions of Venetian Jews. Characterised by its narrow streets, colourful houses and unique architectural features, it’s a truly photogenic spot. Beyond the picturesque setting, the Jewish Ghetto carries poignant reminders of the challenges faced by its residents throughout history.

It was in this confined area, established in the early 16th century, that the Jewish population of Venice was once required to reside. However, the Jewish Ghetto is not just a place of historical significance; it’s also a vibrant and thriving neighbourhood, with art galleries, bookshops, kosher bakeries, and quaint cafes.

7. Ponte Del Diavolo

Among the hundreds of bridges in Venice, Ponte del Diavolo stands out as a particularly photogenic gem. With its vibrant surroundings of colourful buildings and gondolas lining the canal, this bridge captures the essence of Venetian charm. 

We highly recommend visiting this bridge at sunrise as we had the entire place to ourselves, allowing us to capture all of our photos in our own time and without crowds of people in them. The morning light is another reason to visit at sunrise, with the sun shining through the buildings and creating soft shadows and golden hues.

8. Basilica Di Santa Maria Della Salute

Just across the Canal from the San Marco area, sits the iconic Santa Maria della Salute. Its commanding presence and the allure of its huge photogenic doors caught our attention from the other side of the water.

Not only is the Church incredible to photograph from a distance, but up close you can see all the intricate details that make this building so special. Our favourite part had to be the immense turquoise doors, as they were the perfect subject for photos.

This also turned out to be a hidden gem of a sunset spot, with almost no other people around us. We sat on the steps of the Church with a picturesque view of the canal and the bustling restaurants on the opposite side of the water, and watched the sun go down behind the Venetian buildings.

9. Calle Varisco – “The Narrowest Alley in Venice”

Nestled between ancient buildings and canals, at just 52cm wide, is Venice’s narrowest alley or “calle”, translating to street in Italian. This little gem is like a secret escape, taking you off the beaten path and away from the bustling crowds, into the unique hidden streets of Venice.

10. T Fondaco Rooftop Terrace

Located in San Marco, the T Fondaco Terrace is a rooftop hidden gem, with panoramic views over the Grand Canal and city rooftops. What’s great about this rooftop viewpoint is that it’s completely free, and just requires an online booking.

The view-point itself is a great photo opportunity, offering you the chance to capture photos of Venice from above. If you visit during the winter months, you can catch the sunset from this terrace, with opening hours until 6pm; making it undoubtedly one of the best free sunset spots in the city.

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